Besides its aroma and taste, this popular culinary herb has a great many health benefits. Perhaps, you didn't even know about them!
- Basil raises the overall tone of our organism. That is so important for us in autumn and winter, when we often have melancholy mood and fall asleep on our feet.
- This herb helps to restore the gastrointestinal tract. It promotes digestion and relieves food stagnation.
- Traditional medicine recommends to use basil as a sedative remedy, adding it to a bath.
- Basil decoctions are recommended to drink so as to relieve cough (especially prolonged), headache, inflammation of the urinary organs.
- Basil essential oil has a bactericidal action.
- In stressful moments add a few drops of basil essential oil to the aroma lamp - your general condition will be improved.
- Basil essential oil is often used for insomnia, migraine, loss of olfaction.
- Basil essential oil relieves toothache: add 1 drop of oil to 1/2 cup of boiled water and rinse your teeth 4-6 times a day.
- Basil tea is used for diseases of the nervous system. Pour 1 tbsp. of chopped herb (with stems and flowers) with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, and infuse for 30 minutes. Drink 1/4 cup, 4 times a day before meals.
- Basil tea stops vomiting and relieves nausea.
- In the morning, drink basil tea with honey and your day will be plenty of new ideas, you will feel energy till the late evening.
- Those who have motion sickness, can chew basil leaves while traveling.
- Indian pharmacists have proved that basil improves the body's defense against free radicals that can lead to cancer.
- Scientists recommend adding basil in food every day or at least as soon as possible.
- Do not forget to keep a few dry basil leaves in your wardrobe. There will be a pleasant smell and one more bonus - absence of moths.