Ancient recipes for perfect hair.

Ancient recipes for hair care.

If you believe the proverbs of speaking about female beauty, they state: "the charm of a woman is hiding in her hair." To ensure that they actually have a magnetism, hair needs good care and attention. The key to your hairs longevity and beauty is proper care. This is helped by medicinal plants. There are many different types of helpful herbs known since ancient times that induce healing and strengthening of the hair and scalp.

When properly used, you can not only maintain healthy looking hair, but also to prevent various diseases.

The most frequently occurring diseases of the skin are head dandruff and seborrhea. Symptoms of these diseases are almost identical: dryness and flaking of the skin, sometimes greasiness of the hair and oily dandruff, hair loss, itching, dull hair and a penchant for breaking. Factors contributing to the development of these diseases lurk in health problems, namely gastrointestinal disease, lack of vitamins A and B, and neuro-psychiatric disorders.

For the treatment of seborrhea, the hair and scalp suffers from a lack of subcutaneous fat lubrication - and therefore this disease causes dandruff, itching, dryness and excessive hair loss. For the treatment of this form of seborrhea, it is necessary to make a tincture of the following fresh herbs: leaves of folia farfarae, peeled onions, nettle leaves, and poplar buds. Tincture of such raw material cannot only rinse the hair, but also periodically rub into the scalp. When contracting dry seborrhea, it is also desirable to use plants containing fatty and essential oils. Particularly impressive results can be achieved using  burdock oil, oil extracted from the buds of poplar, and sea buckthorn oil. If you have dandruff, the oil should be slightly warmed (30 ° C/86 F) and rubbed into the scalp several times a week for two hours before washing your hair. This will not only help restore the balance of oily skin, but to strengthen the hair.

For the preparation of the infusions for the treatment of oily seborrhea, you need the following plants: Calendula officinalis, wormwood, chamomile, St. John's wort, horsetail, and Salvia officinalis. The use of these herbs should be used two or three times a week, before washing the head. In order to achieve a positive result and a full disposal of dandruff and seborrhea, rinsing and rubbing the herbal extract is recommended for one month. After some time, repeat the procedure again.

Shampoo is recommended for a periodical change, as hair tends to get used to a means to wash, and eventually loses its natural shine.

For the general strengthening of hair and exceptional shine, rinse your head with chamomile extract or decoction of the peel onions once a week. Autumn and spring are the most suitable seasons of the year to strengthen the hair and the skin in general.

The following recipes are for recovery and growth stimulation which will help to achieve the maximum effect:

Burdock root - 50gr.

Calamus rhizome - 20 gr.

The flowers of calendula - 15 gr.

Hop cones ordinary 10gr.

Three tablespoons of collecting. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours in a furnace or oven. Filter broth to moisten the head and keep warm at night 3-4 times a week for two months. This remedy is strong in hair loss.

Nettle leaves - 50 gr.

Leaves mother and stepmother - 50gr.

Have the decoction rubbed into the scalp three times a week and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day with dry seborrhea, to eliminate dandruff and strengthen the hair. The broth is often used for washing the hair and helping with the hair loss and strengthening brittle hair.

Burdock root - 50gr.

Nettle leaves - 30 gr.

The decoction must be rubbed into the scalp for 3-4 hours before washing the head 2 times a week for dry seborrhea, to strengthen hair and stimulate their growth. Treatment is carried out within a month.

These recipes are not only a cure for dandruff, but also restore the hair structure as a whole.

Beautiful hair is the dignity of women and the object of admiration for men. So, you should be well-groomed and healthy. Nature gave to mankind a lot of different sources of beauty and if it is used correctly, can be sure to give an  irresistibility of hair and skin.

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