Feijoa is still considered as an exotic fruit, although it is successfully cultivated on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Crimea.

Feijoa is so valuable due to the large amounts of iodine that it contains. Speaking about the quantity of this element, the feijoa may be compared only with laminaria. The fruit also contains pectin, sugar, macro and micro elements, vitamin C, essential oils, fiber, organic acids, amino acids set.

Feijoa is an excellent remedy, when having deficiency of iodine, especially for children, as the taste of feijoa fruit is extremely different from other iodine-containing remedies. Due to the content of vitamins and minerals the feijoa fruit is used in the treatment of thyroid, stomach and kidney diseases. Eat at least three-four fruit a day and you will forget about avitaminosis. Besides all these benefits, feijoa is a great remedy in the treatment of atherosclerosis and related diseases. Due to the essential oils this fruit is used in dermatology as an anti-inflammatory agent. Feijoa fruit peel is very useful, it contains substances that can suspend the development of some forms of cancer.

Unfortunately not everyone knows about this fruit or how to eat and cook it properly. First you need to learn is how to choose ripe fruit. They should be soft from the external side and the core should be transparent and juicy. Divide the fruit into two parts: if the flesh is brown, the fruit is spoiled, and if it’s white, it isn’t ripe yet.

Despite some roughness and density of the skin, feijoa can be eaten completely, just cut off the tails. But more often, it is eaten with a spoon, scooping out the flesh of the fruit.

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