Folk remedies for diathesis

Folk remedies for diathesis

Unfortunately, the disease discribed in the article today is still considered as an inexplored anomaly. Therefore, therapy can have a symptomatic nature. But whatever the problems this pathogenesis creates, diathesis treatments with folk remedies show great results from ancient times to the present.


Folk remedies for renal salt diathesis

Diathesis is a disease that can be caused by various types of stimuli.

Salt diathesis is a pathology caused by salt compounds settling in the renal pelvis. These compounds are partially removed in the form of urates, carbonates, phosphates, oxalates, and other compounds. However some of them are accumulated, causing a diathesis as a reaction of the organism, moreover they form sand and stones in the organs of the allocation system.

Therefore, the treatment of this disease should be timely and qualitative. However, it must be complex and include a diet.

Treatment of renal salt diathesis with folk remedies shows good results.

Excess salt in the body of an adult or a young patient can be removed using herbs and herbal mixtures that have diuretic properties. Before trying any remedies, you should consult a specialist or your doctor, so you don't harm your body. After all, a number of drug infusions and tinctures remove the potassium, which is necessary for normal functioning of the cardio - vascular system.

Herbal remedies can efficiently cleave the salt compound that helps to remove them out of the organism. Both traditional and alternative medicine use full-scale plant material which contains antraglikozid and saponins. At the same time it treats attendant daiseses (eg, inflammation of the bladder or urethra).

Since there is such a great variety of recipes, here is just a few of them.

Recipe №1

To rid the body of salt and stone accumulations patients should take lemon juice diluted with half a glass of warm water several times during the day.

Simultaneously, it is necessary to drink fresh juice at the same volume, which consists of vegetables like beets, carrots, and cucumbers. Drink this multivitamin juice three - four times during the day. The duration of such therapy depends on the rate of result appearance. It may be two days, or two weeks.

Recipe №2

Cooking is the classic method of making decoctions of many medicinal herbs. Take two tablespoons of vegetable raw materials, fill it with 200 ml of just boiled water and brew in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then, take off the heat and brew for 45 minutes. After that, this decoction can be drunk.

In this case, use medicinal plants such as rhubarb, thistle, buckthorn, thyme, St. John's wort, horsetail, senna leaves, madder, mother and stepmother, calendula, sage, flax seeds, cinnamon, origanum, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, and nettle.

Remember that these herb decoctions should be taken in small courses, as they can destroy nephrons.

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