Health Benefits of a Birch Tree.

Health Benefits of a Birch Tree.

Birch Tree Juice.

To those of you that do not know, month of April is a time of birch sap - drink as much as you want! Birch sap is extremely useful and contains valuable trace elements, vitamins, acids and aromatic substances that have a tonic effect. The sap form a Birch tree helps to clean the kidneys from toxins accumulated over the winter, and can prevent the formation of kidney stones. There are also other trees that produce sap, for example Aspen tree. You might get an anti-aging effect and have more strength and energy if you drink half a cup on Aspen tree juice twice a day. However, aspen tree juice has a bitter taste and drinking it may be slightly unpleasant.

Decoction from Birch Tree Buds.

Take one teaspoon of birch buds per cup of water, boil 10 minutes and you’ll get a great remedy for treating long non healing wounds and trophic ulcers. This decoction has a strong diuretic effect. However, it’s not recommended to take it while suffering from the acute inflammation of the urinary tract as it may strengthen the kidney irritation.

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