Healthy sleep - it's real.

Healthy sleep - it's real.

Healthy sleep - it's real.

Sleeping problems are such a common issue in our present time that it has become normal. It is expressed in different ways: no desire to sleep, interrupted sleep, or a lack of sleep in general.

The cause of poor sleep can be a huge amount of stress at work, at home, or in your personal lives. Disorders of the nervous system, no schedule for the day, psychological disorders, a constant state of dissatisfaction, poor physical health, and more are all possible causes of sleep deprivation.

There are several solutions to this problem: medical, mental, spiritual, or folk remedies.

  • Drug - if you plan on taking sleeping pills, consult your family doctor.
  • Psychiatric or spiritual - consultation with a professional psychologist or spiritual guide can help identify internal mental problems and a solution. This will not only help sleep problems, but restore harmony in life.
  • Folk remedies - the plants that surround us that were even checked up by our ancestors. Nature offers us a list of herbs and flowers that help us resume a healthy sleep and calm the nervous system.

lavender flowers

The first of them are lavender flowers. The pleasant smell of this plant helps to relax your body before going to sleep, giving a feeling of physical and sultry comfort. The ground inflorescence can be poured into a bag, and put on a nightstand near you. You may also use lavender oil, dropping it on your pillow before going to sleep.


Chamomile - also from the category of wild flowers, is also a plant which will help you not only in the fight against intermittent sleep, but is also useful for many other problems. Chamomile tea is considered one of the strongest sedative drinks for stomach nerves, as well as its help with headaches. To resume a good sleep, it is advisable to drink half a glass at night for a month, enjoying the aroma of chamomile making sure to take slow sips, not quick gulps. Chamomile removes any irritation in the body, as well as soothes and promotes the rapid fall into sleep.


One of the most readily available plants in sleep disorders is mint. It is recommended to have a pot of fresh mint in the house all year round. It tones the body, relieves nervousness, headaches, and has a special flavor that puts all the members of the body to rest. Mint spreads its fragrance when brewed with boiling water or by rubbing the leaves. At night you can put a bit of mint in your hands and fall asleep, achieving the scent in your bed.

St. John's Wort

Another type of herb - St. John's wort. It is used not only for insomnia but also for mild depression. The plant contains the active ingredient hypericin which has soft soothing properties. To prepare the infusion, you should fill in 10 grams of Hypericum into a dry glass containing boiled water and left to infuse, then strain and drink.


Despite the well-known property of wormwood - its help with colic and pains in the stomach - these herbs are considered the best tool in the fight against insomnia. There are several options on how to take wormwood. First - make a tincture and take it in the night. The second - to use the seeds, gathering them in advance of the fall. First, they must be ground and filled with oil at a ratio of 1: 4 and allowed to set for one week. Then strain and take 6-8 drops on a piece of sugar before going to sleep.

These herbs can also be mixed and drunk like tea in the evening. To achieve positive results, you need to drink half a glass within 10 days or more of each other. Another option is to make a pillow of a mixture of the above herbs and put on your bed. But, along with herbs for insomnia, you should also settle them into your sleep and eating schedule. When the body is ready for bed, it is advisable not to eat for two hours before bedtime and be sure to give up watching TV. Going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time for a month straight helps the body and brain automatically prepare for sleep.

Regular routine will not only help to resume regular sleep, but also improve health.

A favorable number of hours of sleep a night is 7-8 hours. To achieve this standard, it is necessary to train the body, remaining 15 - 20 minutes longer in bed after waking up. Good sleep and enough rest can have a positive impact on the heart, brain, and a better physical condition in general.

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