Herbs that Raise Hemoglobin Level

Herbs that Raise Hemoglobin Level

Herbs that raise hemoglobin level can provide all possible assistance in overcoming such widespread phenomenon as iron deficiency. The lack of this significant element is the pathology of metabolism and the hematopoietic system. It can lead to numerous health problems, in particular, to hypoxia of all cells in the human body.

Due to their chemical composition herbs raising the hemoglobin level alongside with the use of iron-rich foods are able to establish a sufficient number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and improved general blood biochemistry.

Which Herbs Raise Hemoglobin Level?

First of all, the herbs that raise hemoglobin level must replenish iron in blood plasma. Moreover, it’s vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), B12 (cyanocobalamin) as well as such microelements as Ni, Mn, Co are necessary for normal process of erythropoiesis (producing erythrocytes) and hemoglobin synthesis.

Which herbs raise hemoglobin level? Those are herbs, containing the listed vitamins and minerals: the common nettle and the peppermint (both have vitamin B9), the dandelion root (it includes salts of iron and manganese), the couch grass (vitamin C, vitamins of B group and iron) and the fireweed (it includes iron, manganese and Ni). Among them there are: common Saint John’s wort, common agrimony, red clover, common knotgrass, white nettle and some others.

In many cases, herbalists suggest to their patients taking herbals to normalize functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because the absorption of iron from the incoming food takes place here.

Medicinal plants as well as their herbals consisting of several plant components are produced in the form of dried and ground plant parts such as flowers, leaves with or without stems, roots and rhizomes, packed in cardboard boxes.

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Indications of the Herbs that Raise Hemoglobin Level

The main indications for the use of herbs that raise hemoglobin level are associated with iron-deficiency anemia, specifically, with such types as hypochromic iron-deficiency anemia, posthemorrhagic anemia (after heavy blood loss), hyperchromic vitamin B12-deficiency anemia and vitamin B9-deficiency anemia (a lack of folic acid).

Contraindications of the Herbs that Raise Hemoglobin Level

Buying herbs that raise hemoglobin level at the drugstore you should mind that each herb has its own characteristics. For instance, you can’t take infusions and decoctions of the common nettle if you have excessive blood clotting, hypertensive disease or during pregnancy (especially in the third trimester). The tutsan and the common knotgrass (knotweed) are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy.

All herbals containing the yarrow and couch grass are contraindicated in excessive blood clotting and thrombophlebitis. You shouldn’t take mint excessively as it can cause allergies and lower male sexual potency. The use of common agrimony is not recommended at increased number of platelets in your blood as well as at a tendency to constipation. Contraindications for the use of dandelion root are gastritis, stomach ulcer and biliary dyskinesia.

And a prolonged consumption of the fireweed (willow-herb) decoction can result in problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Side effects of Herbs that Raise Hemoglobin Level

It’s necessary to consider the most frequent side effects at the use of herbs that raise hemoglobin level.

Thus blood pressure can increased at the prolonged use of the tutsan because this herb causes the narrowing of the vascular lumen. Among the side effects of the yarrow herb there are: blood pressure lowering, dizziness, skin rash. Garden angelica has a diuretic effect and causes heavy sweating.

The fireweed (willow-herb) not only steadies your nerves but also enhances the effect of sedative and hypnotic drugs. On the other side the herb can raise male sexual potency.

The use of herbs that raise hemoglobin level in pregnancy and lactation can lead to undesirable consequences and they mustn’t be used without a physician's approval. For instance, herbs knotweed (common knotgrass) and white nettle facilitate uterine muscle contraction. And red clover containing plant hormones isoflavones is necessary for women during menopause but is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Ways of Use the Dosage of Hemoglobin Level Raising Herbs

The main way to use the phytotherapy remedies is the preparation of decoctions (by boiling) or infusions (without boiling) and consuming them in the amount and the regularity prescribed by physician.

Here are some recipes of use the hemoglobin level raising herbs.

Recipe 1

Cover 1 tbsp of clover flowers with 200 ml of the fast boiling water (if the raw material is fresh - take 5 inflorescences of the herb), infuse it under the lid for half an hour. Take it 3 times a day for 1/3 of a glass before meal. Average course of treatment for anemia is 25 - 30 days.

Recipe 2

Make herbal mixture out of 6 parts of the common Saint John’s wort, 4 parts of white nettle and 3 parts of plantain. For a glass of fast boiling water take 1 tbsp of this mixture and infuse it not less than for 2 – 2,5 hours. The way of use and dosage: 1 tbsp 3 times a day before meal. The duration is up to one month.

Recipe 3

Make the mixture of equal parts of nettle leaves, willow-herb (fireweed), yarrow flowers and dandelion root. 1 tbsp of this mixture is poured by 250 ml of the fast boiling water and let it infuse (tightly covered the tank) for a couple of hours. Drain the infusion and take it 3 times a day 25 minutes before meal. The duration of the treatment lasts 60 days.

Recipe 4

For the preparation of this herbal mixture take 5 parts of the nettle, for 3 parts of the knotweed and the common agrimony and 1 part of peppermint. A pinch of this mixture (about 1 tsp) is poured by 200 ml of boiling water and infused for half an hour. A one-time dose is 50 ml before meal. Take it 3 – 4 times a day.

And here is one more herbal that raise the hemoglobin level. Recipe 5: red clover, tutsan, white nettle, garden angelica root and dog-rose fruits. For making the mixture take equal amount of each plant and for the decoction take 1 tbsp of the mix for 1.5 glass of water. The decoction is made during a quarter of an hour for a water bath then it is infused for 1.5 – 2 hours (in a sealed container, better in vacuum flask). This medicinal decoction should be taken for 100 ml 3 times a day after meal.

Overdosing at the herbal decoction treatment is possible either in case of ratios violations when preparing or at the usage of amounts which excess the prescribed dosage. For example, the overdosing of the dandelion root can cause vomiting and diarrhea and the excessive use of the mint can lead to insomnia, heartaches and bronchial spasms.

In most cases the interaction of herbs that raise hemoglobin level with other medications isn’t pointed in the instructions for herbals and separate medicinal herbs as the corresponded researches haven’t been conducted.

The Storage Condition of Herbs that Raise Hemoglobin Level

All medicinal plants alongside with herbals get spoiled quickly at the improper storing because of the increase of their humidity. That’s why it’s necessary to observe the conditions of hemoglobin level raising herbs storage either in a closed box or in a glass container with a lid at a room temperature. As a rule the expiry date of medicinal herbals doesn’t exceed 2 years since the date pointed at their package.

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