1. Experts recommend to drink no more than 150 g of bitters, as a significant dose may lead not only to a strong intoxication, but also to the bowel problems (the action of herbs in the composition may harm your organism if you drink too much).

2. Bitters can be used as aperitifs or digestives, they are served before or after the main meal in its pure form, in special liqueur glasses. Snacks usually are not served at all, as products interrupt the taste of herbs, which remains in the mouth for a long time.

3. Drink bitters with tea or coffee. Only 1-2 tsp. are able to make the usual taste of tea or coffee unique. One cup of such drink raises the tone and improves mood.

4. Add bitters to cocktails and other alcoholic beverages. This method is very popular. You can add only 3-4 drops of bitters and it will influence the taste and aroma of your favorite beverage, making it special.

5. And of course bitters are used for medicinal purposes. They can be used to treat colds, runny nose, upset stomach. Bitters boost immunity system and improve body tone. But in case of having chronic diseases it’s better to consult a doctor, before taking bitters. Your healthcare provider will help you to choose the optimal dosage.

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