Remedies for dandruff

Dandruff  is a scalp condition, characterized by extra flaking of small dead cells of the skin from the scalp. Dandruff makes roots weaker and leads to the hair loss. It may be accompanied by skin irritation, redness. Dandruff often leads to low self-esteem and even social problems.

To get rid of dandruff you may buy special shampoos and try different ways of treatment, prescribed by your doctor. We suggest you trying these home recipes that are extremely useful and beneficial for your hair and scalp skin.



Massage the infusion of kombucha into the scalp after washing for 2-3-minutes.


Mix 1 tbsp. of castor oil, vodka and strong tea. Apply the mask on hair, gently rubbing into the scalp and leave for 2-3 hours. Then rinse with shampoo. Repeat this procedure every time before washing hair, 2-3 times a week. Dandruff disappears in two weeks. 100% result!


You will need 3-4 dried burdock root and 2 tbsp. of celandine herb. Chop the components and pour with 1 liter of boiling water. Simmer for 30 minutes. Don’t cover it while boiling. When the decoction is ready, drain it. Wash your hair with shampoo as usual and then rinse with herbal decoction. Let your hair dry. Use this conditioner every time you wash your hair. Dandruff will disappear forever.


Pour 100 g of tansy flowers with 3 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then leave to infuse overnight. Before washing your hair, drain and warm up the infusion. This will be your conditioner.

Now prepare the shampoo. Add 2 raw egg yolks to 5 liters of warm water and whisk this mixture. Pour it into a bowl and wash your hair thoroughly for 10-15 minutes. Do not use any shampoo or soap! After that, rinse your hair in the infusion of tansy for 5 minutes. After drying, the hair will be clean, well maintained, without dandruff.


Rub into the scalp warmed apple cider vinegar, wrap your hair with plastic film and a towel for an hour. Then rinse with shampoo.


Apply kefir for 15 minutes on your hair and scalp before washing, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo. Repeat the procedure every day for a week, then only before washing hair. To prevent dandruff, use this recipe once a month.

What home remedies for dandruff do you know? Share with us!

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