Things to know about Prenatal Vitamins.

Things to know about Prenatal Vitamins.

Importance of Prenatal Vitamins.

If you’re pregnant, you’re doctor is going to recommend that you take a daily prenatal vitamin to provide your growing baby the nutrients it needs to develop healthy. Your body will need extra vitamin supplements and prenatal vitamins provide those essential for you and your baby.

How to choose good Prenatal Vitamins.

When choosing a prenatal vitamin, it’s important that you look for vitamins that contain essential ingredients, such as folic acid, iron, iodine and calcium.

Folic Acid can help prevent neural tube birth defects that can affect the spinal cord and brain. Iodine helps a woman’s thyroid function properly during pregnancy and not enough iodine can lead to miscarriage and stillbirth. Iron will help the mother and baby carry oxygen, while calcium is for strong bones. There are many types of prenatal vitamin supplements available so many feel overwhelmed trying to choose the best ones. While your individual needs can differ from woman to woman, it’s best to ask your doctor which prenatal vitamins to take.

In general, you should choose prenatal vitamins that contain 600 mcg of folic acid, 150 mg of calcium, 27 mg of iron, 150 mcg of iodine, and 1.9 mg of vitamin B6. But prenatal vitamins will contain other nutrients, such as vitamin A, C and D, zinc, copper, and more, so it’s good to get a well-rounded prenatal vitamin.

Here are a few of the best prenatal vitamins on the market:

  1. Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin. (Click Here to Buy from Amazon)

The 100% natural prenatal multivitamin is free of any artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and other additives often found in vitamin products. It contains 800 mcg of folic acid, extra iron and vitamin D, with the most optimal potencies of calcium and magnesium of any other one-per-day prenatal vitamin. It’s the top-selling prenatal vitamin, with many women giving it raving reviews online.

  1. Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Supplement. (Click Here to Buy from Amazon)

This prenatal vitamin contains probiotic immune system support for two and features 800 mcg of folic acid, as well as ginger for digestion and help with morning sickness. With whole food nutritional support for both mom and baby, this prenatal features the best ingredients and is gluten free, dairy free and has no soy allergens. There’s raw iron that’s easy on the stomach and 1,400 IU vitamin D for optimal dietary calcium absorption.

  1. Twinlab Prenatal Care Multivitamin. (Click Here to Buy from Amazon)

You’ll get two months worth of pills with Twinlab Prenatal Care Multivitamin, which delivers 22 nutrients for optimal health. These vitamins do not contain any tablet binders, coatings or colors, as well as no added sugars, sodium, artificial colors, sweeteners or preservatives. They provide high-potency nutrient supplementation of essential vitamins and minerals for pregnant or lactating women, plus key nutrients like iron and vitamin C.

  1. One A Day Women’s Prenatal Multivitamin with DHA Twin Pack. (Click Here to Buy from Amazon)

The One A Day Women’s Prenatal Multivitamin with DHA Twin Pack has all the essential vitamins needed for healthy pregnancy, as well as the addition of DHA, which helps support healthy fetal brain and eye development. And now the vitamins are 50% smaller, so they are much easier to take. These vitamins support mom and baby before, during and after pregnancy. It does not contain any aspirin and has at least 100% of the daily recommended daily value for vital nutrients like iron and frolic acid.

  1. Nature Made Prenatal Multi + DHA. (Click Here to Buy from Amazon)

The liquid softgels are easy to take and are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients for pregnant and nursing moms. They also contain essential omega-3 fatty acids that may benefit the development of both the mom and baby’s healthy.

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