

Tulsi, Holy Basil or Ocimum tenuiflorum is a plant, which belongs to the basil genus, Lamiaceae family. Tulsi is native to warm tropic regions and grows wild. For many years it has been used in Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda. Nowadays tulsi health benefits are also wide known in western parts of the world. Due to its peppery taste it is used in culinary. Many legends are connected with this sacred plant.

In India people worship tulsi every day and belief that this herb is the holiest, as Tulsi is an incarnation of a devotee of Lord Krishna Goddess Vrinda Devi. There is even a forest, which is called Vrindavana. The village, where this forest is situated is called Vrindavan, the most sacred place in India. In Vrindavan Lord Krishna or Vishnu spent his pastimes and showed people the sweetness of  the spiritual world.  Almost in every yard Hindus have tulsi. All the parts of the plant and even the soil near it are considered to be sacred. Before eating meal, Hindus offer it to the Lord Vishnu and put a leaf or several leaves of tulsi on it. Tulsi wood is used to make prayer beads, which Hindus use to chant the holy names of God. Also tulsi necklace is worn by Hindus, they believe it protects them and in the moment of death it helps to remember about God and reach the spiritual world. Tulasi leaves mixed with water can be given to the dying with the same purpose as wearing tulsi necklace.

There are many tulsi benefits. It helps to treat:

  • headaches;
  • colds;
  • fever;
  • inflammation;
  • sore throat;
  • stomach disorders;
  • malaria;
  • poisonings;
  • heart disease;
  • kidney stones;
  • stress;
  • mouth infections;
  • teeth problems;
  • insect bites;
  • skin problems;
  • eye disorders;
  • hair problems.

Boiled water with leaves of tulsi, tulsi juice, oil and fresh leaves are effectively used in medicine. It is safe when used for a short period of time. As it may slow blood clotting don’t use it before, during or after surgery.

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