Asparagus is a delicious, low-calorie and easily digestible vegetable. Since ancient times people knew about useful properties of asparagus and used it to treat many diseases. Asparagus helps with the following diseases:

  1.  respiratory diseases;
  2.  skin problems;
  3.  metabolic disorders;
  4.  diseases of the urinary system;
  5.  kidney diseases;
  6.  hypertension;
  7.  swelling;
  8.  back pain.

Today asparagus takes a leading place among all vegetables, because of its beneficial properties.

Asparagus contains a huge amount of valuable vitamins and fiber. Green asparagus is also rich in antioxidants, which are the best means to combat the first signs of aging, that is why it has become a favorite product of celebrities.

Asparagus contains folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, minerals, vitamins A, B, C and E.

Aspartic acid, which generously presents in asparagus, is directly involved in metabolic processes. In addition, asparagus is a low-calorie vegetable and is actively used against obesity.
Folic acid content of this product makes asparagus essential in the diet of women during pregnancy, as it is an excellent prevention of birth defects in children.

Asparagus is also a great fighter against fatigue and heart disease.

Aspartic acid, which is contained in the plant, has a mild diuretic effect, and also clears the bloodstream from various sediments. Coumarins regulate the activity of the cardiovascular system and prevent blood clots.

Asparagus has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and copes well with the excretion of toxins from the body due to its coarse fibers.

Its decoction is used to cure acne. Asparagus juice helps to cleanse and soften the skin.

It is known that asparagus has a favorable effect on the nervous system, so it is recommended to use it in order to raise the tone and enrich the body with vitality and strength. Asparagus contains Vitamin PP, which plays a special role in the formation of male and female sex hormones and is responsible for their good condition.

The presence of pro-vitamins of A group is especially useful for eyesight and for the organism as a whole. Zinc, which is also contained in asparagus, strengthens blood vessels and promotes healing of cuts.

Researches have shown that regular consumption of this plant reduces the risk of cancer.

Asparagus is a storehouse of natural essential vitamins and minerals. Its regular usage will strengthen your immune system and will be an excellent prevention of many diseases.

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